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Ady Leon
Adisley Leon Yera ,Performing under her stage name Ady Leon,was born in Santa Clara,Villa Clara,Cuba on May 2nd to an influential and socially-prominent family.At 6 year of age ady began her earliest musical influences with a gift of a guitar from her mother.She wrote her first songs with different melodies and rhythms.A few days after Ady's 14th birthday her mother passed away and her life as she knew it suddenly changed .Ady turned to the streets with her spanish guitar,touring and surviving in Cuba,absorbing much of the musical influences that permeated from the culture of the streets .She studied at the "Centro De Superacion De La Musica De Santa Clara" where she formalized her first steps as a professional musician .Ady(know as "La Leon")at age of 19 left Cuba in search of new horizons,looking to boarding her perspectives in countless directions.In July of 2008 she arrived in the United State to fulfill her dreams ,develop her creativity and express her talents.Today Ady leon is in Los Angeles,California.She has released her first album and is conquering the hearts of people with her aggressive style.
Location: Los Angeles
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