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Amber Leigh

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A coun­try music sen­sa­tion since the age of 10, South Florida’s female enter­tainer 3 years run­ning, Amber Leigh is seen by mil­lions of peo­ple on The Coun­try Net­work (TCN), her songs are heard around the world on DISNEY CHANNEL inter­na­tional, and her new race-themed music video is sweep­ing the nation on Red­Bull TV and FUEL. It is on TCN where both her music videos and her talk show, Nashville Nights, con­tinue to fuel her excit­ing career, both as a enter­tainer and a dec­o­rated song­writer. She is always sur­rounded by her world-class band that com­bines the fla­vors of Coun­try, Pop and a dash of celtic fid­dling that brings her audi­ences to their knees. She has trans­formed into pow­er­house coun­try female artist that has pro­duced an ener­getic, hook-filled hybrid sound all her own. Amber’s abil­i­ties as a per­former, song­writer, arranger, and pro­ducer give her that sig­na­ture sound.

Long before her cur­rent TV appear­ances, Amber Leigh earned an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion while per­form­ing live at just ten years old. Her “no fear” approach, com­bined with her never-ending ambi­tion, helped her mas­ter her craft. This ded­i­ca­tion ele­vated her towards becom­ing a pro­foundly tal­ented musi­cian – daz­zling her audi­ences with her seem­ingly effort­less musi­cian­ship on fid­dle, gui­tar, man­dolin and vocals – as she con­tin­ues to per­form her more than 200 shows this year. Fur­ther, she has appeared count­less times on tele­vi­sion for local net­work affil­i­ates, as well as NBC, CBS, FOX, & USA. The sum­mer cam­paign song for the Dis­ney Chan­nel fea­tured “Livin’ Out Loud”, a song writ­ten by Amber Leigh and will be the high­light of the new Dis­ney Chan­nel Show “Col­lege 11”.

In addi­tion to being an elec­tri­fy­ing head­lin­ing act, Amber shared the live stage with many of the top names in music, includ­ing Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Toby Keith, Sug­ar­land, Keith Urban, Kenny Ches­ney, Brad Pais­ley, Brit­ney Spears, Lady Ante­bel­lum, Christina Aguil­era, Leeann Rimes, Char­lie Daniels, Reba McEn­tyre, Big & Rich, Dixie Chicks, Dierks Bent­ley and others.

New in 2014, Amber Leigh’s sev­enth release is now avail­able on iTunes — This excit­ing new release, pro­duced by Grammy®–win­ning engi­neer, Sil­vio Richetto and Amber Leigh, cap­tures the energy of her live shows with the com­mer­cial feel-good hooks Amber seems to so effort­lessly cre­ate. Cur­rently, Amber Leigh and her band are in the stu­dio fin­ish­ing Amber’s eighth release, a full length instru­men­tal fid­dle album that show­cases her flaw­less musicianship.

As a per­former, song­writer, pro­ducer, and with her heart of gold, Amber Leigh has no lim­its as she con­tin­ues to reach for platinum.

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